Minutes – Medina Township
Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees met at the Medina Township Office
located at 10628 N. Galena Road, Mossville, Illinois on July 12th, 2017

Purpose: Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting

Present: John H. Dawson, Supervisor
Shawn E. Garner, Clerk
Adam Gudat, Trustee
Mike Molohon, Trustee
Richard Clinch, Trustee

Absent: Cam Parr, Trustee

Other Officials and Township Staff Present: Frank Sturm II, Road Commissioner – Mandy
Forbis, Office Manager – Mark Brabant, Assessor

Others In Attendance: 5 resident attended.

Call To Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Dawson followed by
pledge of allegiance to the flag.

Clerk, Garner, presented the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting held June 12 th , 2017.
Supervisor Dawson moved to approve, as presented, seconded by Trustee Molohon; followed by
a unanimous “Aye” voice vote with Trustee Clinch abstaining.

Clerk, Garner, presented the minutes of the Road District Budget Hearing held June 12 th , 2017.
Supervisor Dawson moved to approve, as presented, seconded by Trustee Molohon; followed by
a unanimous “Aye” voice vote with Trustee Clinch abstaining.

Clerk, Garner, presented the minutes of the Township Budget Hearing Board held June 12 th ,
2017. Supervisor Dawson moved to approve, as presented, seconded by Trustee Gudat; followed
by a unanimous “Aye” voice vote with Trustee Clinch abstaining.

Community Policing Report: Deputy Rials advised that last weekend, Shell Station in Lake of
Woods was burglarized with no current leads. Road Crew was very responsive following recent
storm that is fastest response that he has ever seen. Supervisor Dawson will follow-up on
ordering bike rack. Bike patrol is underway. Resident reported ATV and dirt-bikes running thru
neighborhood on Moss.

Public Input:
Supervisor Dawson opened floor for public input. He recognized Tom Steighorst who inquired
about replacement of playground equipment at township park in Brookview Sub-division and
commended road crew on clean-up following recent storm. Supervisor Dawson would put on
agenda to address next month. Supervisor Dawson recognized Kristine Harrison who resides on
Washington Street. asked for direction on issue with exposed Comcast cable and neighbor’s tree
which is causing issue. Board recommended She reported inoperable vehicle and refuse at
neighbor’s property. She was advised to notify Peoria County Planning and Zoning filing
complaint Commission of issue. She would like to secure Illinois American Water to residence
and will follow-up with Illinois American.

Resident inquired on landscaping waste. The yard is open for leaves and lawn clippings.

Correspondence & Reports

Supervisor, John Dawson:

1. Investment Report: The Investment Report ending on July 12th, 2017 was accepted as
presented by the board.

Road Commissioner, Frank Sturm, II:
1. Misc. Concrete Repair Project is out for bids now. Open bids on 07/26/17; currently, 5
contractors have plans.
2. Pavement Maintenance Project will be out for bid soon.
3. Have 2 culverts in gullies to line. Will get proposals from the two local contractors that
do lining work.
4. Cargill has sent out letters to agencies that have salt in storage. Storage fee is
$17.00/Ton, but it might be negotiable. We have 800 tons in storage, which would be

Assessor, Mark Brabant:
No report made.

Plan Commission, Brady Miller, Chairperson:
Not present to present report.

No report made.

Old Business

New Business
Park Agreement:
Supervisor Dawson presented park agreement from Mossville Junior High School. Clerk
reported that application along with supporting documentation had been reviewed and found to
be in order. Clerk recommended approval of agreement. Trustee Clinch made motion to
approve application, seconded by Trustee Molohon followed by a unanimous “Aye” voice vote.

Wolfe & Tesar Audit: Supervisor Dawson advised that Wolfe & Tesar was conducting audit in
compliance with state statute. They will report once audit is completed.

Pay Township Bills
Township/Road District Bills Audited: All bills of the Town and the Road District were
audited and approved for payment. All bank accounts were reconciled and found to be in order.
Trustee Clinch moved to pay the bills, seconded by Trustee Gudat followed by a unanimous
“Aye” voice vote.

Adjournment: There being no further business to come before the board, Trustee Molohon
moved to adjourn, seconded by Trustee Gudat, followed by a unanimous “Aye” voice vote. The
meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted this 12th day of July, 2017
Shawn E. Garner, Clerk