The Medina Township Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Purpose:  Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting

Present:  Shawn Garner, Supervisor

Cam Parr, Trustee

Mike Molohon, Trustee 

Cindy Greene, Trustee 

Mary Sundermeyer, Clerk

Absent: Luke Harvey, Trustee

Other Officials and Township Staff Present:  

Frank Sturm II, Road Commissioner

Mark Brabant, Assessor

Deputy Ben Davison

Others In Attendance:  0 residents

Call To Order:  Supervisor Garner called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm

Approval of Minutes:  Clerk Sundermeyer presented the minutes from the regular board meeting held on December 13, 2023. Shawn Garner made a motion to approve the minutes. Cindy Greene seconded. The minutes were approved by a unanimous voice vote. 

Community Policing Report: 

Deputy Ben Davison gave the report for December 2023. There were 60 reports made involving 24 reports of crimes (12 original crimes).  For the 2023 year, there were 790 reports made of 327 crimes of which 159 were original crimes. There were also 466 traffic stops made in the township.  As the weather gets colder, please watch your car if you are heating it up before leaving.

Public Input: None

Old Business:  None

New Business:  

Shawn provided the past year’s utility bills for the ballpark. The utility fees are paid by the users of the park monthly. It was proposed that we raise the fees in the park agreement to cover these higher costs to the township. Shawn made a motion to change the Park Agreement to increase the fees to $128/month. Cam Parr seconded. The motion was approved by a unanimous voice vote.

Department Correspondence:

Supervisor Shawn Garner:  

  1. Investment Report:  the report ending on January 10, 2024 was previously presented to the board.
  2. There are no General Assistance cases. 
  3. There are no cases before the Plan Commission

Road Commissioner:  Frank Sturm

  1. Good Forest has invoiced us $10,000 for hauling away our fall leaves that they were unable to use. This is about half of the total leaves collected.
  2. There were only minor problems with snow removal trucks. There are 4 men operating 4 trucks in 16-hour shifts.
  3. There were reports of damage to mailboxes due to snowplow activity with this heavy snow.

Assessor:  Mark Brabant – None

Plan Commission:   None

Trustees:  None

Township/Road District Bills:  

Mike Molohon made a motion to pay the bills of the township. Shawn seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a unanimous voice vote.


Mike made a motion to adjourn, and Cindy seconded it. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:16 pm.

Respectfully submitted this 10th day of January 2024,

Mary Sundermeyer

Township Clerk