The Medina Township Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Purpose:  Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting

Present:  Shawn Garner, Supervisor

Mike Molohon, Trustee 

Cindy Greene, Trustee 

Luke Harvey, Trustee 

Mary Sundermeyer, Clerk  

Absent: Cam Parr, Trustee 

Other Officials and Township Staff Present:  

Frank Sturm II, Road Commissioner

Deputy Ben Davison

Others In Attendance:  1 resident

Call To Order:  Supervisor Garner called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm

Approval of Minutes:  Clerk Sundermeyer presented the minutes from the regular board meeting held on May 8, 2024. Shawn Garner made a motion to approve the minutes. Cindy Greene seconded. The minutes were approved by a unanimous voice vote. 

Community Policing Report:  Deputy Ben Davison gave the report for May 2024. There were 30 reports made involving 8 reports of crimes (5 original crimes).  There were also 17 traffic stops made in the township. There are many vacant lots in River Ridge subdivision. One of the streets is unfinished and is a stub for future building. A resident has been parking 4 of his vehicles in this stub. The rules state that this road must be kept open and parking is only allowed next to each curb. Ben will let the resident know. Warmer weather usually brings an uptick in crime so please remember to lock vehicles and homes. 

Public Input:  A resident asked about golf carts driving in subdivision streets. This is legal; however, golf carts must obey the rules of the road and drive as close to the right side of the road as possible. Another issue is cameras on township signs. This is not allowed.

Old Business:  None

New Business:  Shawn has a proposal from Stratus Internet to provide internet and phone for both the township and the road district. The monthly costs will be cut in half with better service. We can get rid of Comcast and Frontier. They plan to put in a line-of-sight tower in order to share internet and phone with the garage. In the future, we can look into getting security cameras. The cost for the new equipment and installation is $5991.25. We can expect to recoup these installation costs in one year due to the lower monthly payments. Shawn made a motion to approve this expenditure. Luke Harvey seconded. A roll call vote was taken: Shawn – Aye, Luke – Aye, Cindy – Aye, Mike – Aye. The motion passes. 

Department Correspondence:

Supervisor Shawn Garner:  

  1. Investment Report:  the report ending on June 12, 2024 was previously presented to the board.
  2. There are no General Assistance cases pending. 
  3. There is 1 case before the Plan Commission that deals with solar panels (ZBA-2024-0055).
  4. Shawn will be securing estimates for the perimeter of the parking lot.
  5. Shawn will secure an estimate for extending the fence on Field 1.
  6. Shawn will investigate purchasing a new computer for the office. 

Road Commissioner:  Frank Sturm

  1. They are still working on filling potholes. The mowing has been delayed due to the work needed for potholes. The weather has been a factor.
  2. The county will hold their annual tire drop off. The road district finds tires along the road and will dispose of them at the drop off.
  3. The following projects are out for bid: Misc. Concrete, Seal Coating and Pavement maintenance. The bids are due on 7/12/24.  
  4. They did a tour of the township streets on May 31 and find many needed repairs totaling $897,000. Unfortunately, there is only $470,00 to spend on these repairs. The tax revenue has not kept up with the costs required to fix all the roads. Frank will investigate the procedure for raising taxes to handle this.

Assessor:  Mark Brabant:  None

Plan Commission:   None

Trustees:  Cindy reports a pothole on Wayne Rd.

Township/Road District Bills:  

Mike made a motion to pay the bills of the township.  Cindy seconded.  The motion passed by a unanimous voice vote.


Mike made a motion to adjourn, and Cindy seconded it. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 7:17 pm.

Respectfully submitted this 12th day of June 2024, Mary Sundermeyer, Township Clerk