The Board of Trustees met at the Medina Township Office

located at 10628 N. Galena Road, Mossville, Illinois on January 13th, 2020

Purpose: Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting

Present: John H. Dawson, Supervisor

Mike Molohon, Trustee

Adam Gudat, Trustee

Richard Clinch, Trustee

Shawn E. Garner, Clerk

Absent: Cam Parr, Trustee

Other Officials and Township Staff Present:  Frank Sturm II, Road Commissioner 

Others In Attendance:  5 residents  

Call To Order:  Supervisor Dawson called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.


Supervisor Dawson tabled the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting held December 9th, 2020.

Community Policing Report:  

Deputy Ben Davison advised that motor vehicle burglaries occurred.  Deputy reminded residents to lock vehicle when unattended.  Things remain calm in township (657-5449). Deputy is off duty on Wednesday and Thursday. 

Public Input:  

Supervisor Dawson open floor and received no request for public input. 

Correspondence & Reports

Supervisor, John Dawson:

  • Investment Report:  The Investment Report ending on January 13th, 2020 was previously presented to board.  

Road Commissioner, Frank Sturm, II:  

  1. Still no word on new truck.  It is at Koenigs, so probably should get it in a couple of months. 
  2. One of my crew is retiring next month. His last day on the job is 01/19/21 and his actual last day of employment is 02/02/21. I hired a new person who started 01/11/21. 

Assessor, Mark Brabant:

No report.

Plan Commission, Chairperson Manning: 

No report.


Trustee Molohon advised that he contacted AMEREN who replaced light at park. Trustee Clinch recognized Josh Stedwill who was attending meeting for Boy’s Scout badge.

Old Business

Dr. Zwicky – Medina Trail:

Supervisor Dawson reported that township counsel is discussing license agreement with Dr. Zwicky’s legal counsel. 

New Business

Annual Town Meeting: Annual Town Meeting will be held at township office on February 3, 2021 at 7:00 pm. Only business is to approve ordinance setting time and date for 2021 Annual Town Meeting.

General Assistance: Supervisor Dawson advised that monthly assistance has been increased to $319 for General Assistance as specific by state law.  Supervisor spoke with surrounding townships and is setting monthly assistance at $325.

Medina Park – Supervisor Dawson advised that board should begin considering any necessary changes to park agreement and will discuss at the next several meetings. IVC Youth Athletics has replaced MMYBSA and CYSA. 

Pay Township Bills

Township/Road District Bills Audited:  All bills of the Town and the Road District were approved for payment.  Trustee Molohon moved to pay the bills, seconded by Trustee Clinch

followed by a unanimous “Aye” voice vote.  Motion passed unanimously.

Adjournment:  There being no further business to come before the board, Trustee Molohon to adjourn, seconded by Trustee Gudat, followed by a unanimous “Aye” voice vote. The meeting adjourned at 6:51 PM.

Respectfully submitted this 13th day of January 2020.


Shawn E. Garner, Clerk